Question-Is this true that "Kaffirs" are to be hated because they do not love Allah or Mohammad and it is the duty of Muslims to kill them.......
The word "kaafir" is played with in the same way the word "jihaad" is otherwise they are simple arabic words one means "Non believers" and other means "Struggle".
Once i was talking to a Hindu Brother, i asked do you believe in Allah he said "NO". I asked what about the word Kafir he said thats ugly. i asked do you believe in Jihaad he said "no". ok do you believe in struggling for the cause of truth......he said "yes".
I replied Brother if Bhagwat Geeta is translated in Arabic all words will be translated like this-
"God=Allah, Non Believer=Kafir, Struggling for the cause=Jihaad."
(same things can be asked from Christians brothers with respect to Arabic translation of Bible)
One of the condition required to go to heaven is calling other(Non believers) to truth (Dawah & Islaha).
Quran 103:3 Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.
There is no such requirement (Duty of killing Kaafir--- and this is a lie/slander ) in either pillar of Islam, faith or conditions required to go to heaven(Surah Al Asr).
But i know Critics present these verses(as usual out of context without background)
Quran 9:5
kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush.
Now read the same in context with background
Quran 9:
1. [This is a declaration of] disassociation, from Allah and His Messenger, to those with whom you had made a treaty among the polytheists.
2. So travel freely, [O disbelievers], throughout the land [during] four months but know that you cannot cause failure to Allah and that Allah will disgrace the disbelievers.
3.And [it is] an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah is disassociated from the disbelievers, and [so is] His Messenger. So if you repent, that is best for you; but if you turn away – then know that you will not cause failure to Allah. And give tidings to those who disbelieve of a painful punishment.
4. Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].
5. And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
6. And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah [i.e., the Quran]. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.
Let me explain this with one more example....suppose i say that American Government says Kill Vietnamese
You know i am doing both things saying the truth and doing the satanic work by presenting the truth out of context so that it may look ugly.
Now look at the same thing in context
"American Government says kill the Vietnamese who are fighting during Vietnam war".
This is both a specific statement & general statement
Islam grants freedom of religion because this life is a test, We are free to choose
Quran 2:256
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.
Quran 109
1. Say, "O disbelievers,
2. I do not worship what you worship.
3. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.
4. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.
5. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.
6. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
Quran 5:32
Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.
(no where it states Muslim only, mankind = entire humanity)
Mohammed Tariq
The word "kaafir" is played with in the same way the word "jihaad" is otherwise they are simple arabic words one means "Non believers" and other means "Struggle".
I replied Brother if Bhagwat Geeta is translated in Arabic all words will be translated like this-
"God=Allah, Non Believer=Kafir, Struggling for the cause=Jihaad."
(same things can be asked from Christians brothers with respect to Arabic translation of Bible)
One of the condition required to go to heaven is calling other(Non believers) to truth (Dawah & Islaha).
Quran 103:3 Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.
There is no such requirement (Duty of killing Kaafir--- and this is a lie/slander ) in either pillar of Islam, faith or conditions required to go to heaven(Surah Al Asr).
But i know Critics present these verses(as usual out of context without background)
Quran 9:5
kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush.
Now read the same in context with background
Quran 9:
1. [This is a declaration of] disassociation, from Allah and His Messenger, to those with whom you had made a treaty among the polytheists.
2. So travel freely, [O disbelievers], throughout the land [during] four months but know that you cannot cause failure to Allah and that Allah will disgrace the disbelievers.
3.And [it is] an announcement from Allah and His Messenger to the people on the day of the greater pilgrimage that Allah is disassociated from the disbelievers, and [so is] His Messenger. So if you repent, that is best for you; but if you turn away – then know that you will not cause failure to Allah. And give tidings to those who disbelieve of a painful punishment.
4. Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].
5. And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
6. And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah [i.e., the Quran]. Then deliver him to his place of safety. That is because they are a people who do not know.
- Backgroung-Unilateral Breaking of peace treaty by mushriks. Time was given to come back otherwise declaration of these verses are like guidelines for war not a general statement
- Time given to come back to treaty.
- Critics mentions these selective verses only.
- Critics hides these verses
Look even in the battle field Allah talks about forgiveness if
- Enemy is accepts faith (willingly, forcibly is prohibited and of no use).
- Enemy is not ready to accept but still wants your this case not only leave them even escort them to place of security.
Let me explain this with one more example....suppose i say that American Government says Kill Vietnamese
You know i am doing both things saying the truth and doing the satanic work by presenting the truth out of context so that it may look ugly.
Now look at the same thing in context
"American Government says kill the Vietnamese who are fighting during Vietnam war".
This is both a specific statement & general statement
- Specific- Related to that war.
- General- This applies to all war past, present and future.
Similarly Verses of Quran do have specific and general meaning
- Specific-With respect to that war.
- General- This gives guidelines for all wars.
Sahih Muslim 2098:
It is narrated on the authority of Ibn Abu Laila that while Qais b. Sa'd and Sahl b. Hunaif were both in Qadislyya a bier passed by them and they both stood up. They were told that it was the bier of one of the people of the land (non−Muslim). They said that a bier passed before the Holy Prophet (may peace be upon him) and he stood up. He was told that he (the dead man) was a Jew. Upon this he remarked: Was he not a human being or did he not have a soul?
Islam grants freedom of religion because this life is a test, We are free to choose
Quran 2:256
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.
Quran 109
1. Say, "O disbelievers,
2. I do not worship what you worship.
3. Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.
4. Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.
5. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.
6. For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
Quran 5:32
Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.
(no where it states Muslim only, mankind = entire humanity)

Mohammed Tariq
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